UNESCO Chair in Education and Science for Development and Human Well-being (EDUWELL)
This UNESCO Chair is hosted by the University of Évora and implemented by the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.
Organized as a network, it is a response by the partner institutions to the major challenges facing contemporary societies in different areas of knowledge, particularly those in the Lusophone countries.
The UNESCO-EDUWELL Chair aims to promote a knowledge-based culture, a fundamental pillar for sustainable development based on values and practices of mutual respect and tolerance, which are essential for achieving a culture of peace through intercultural dialogue.
Knowledge is power and education empowers. It is an indispensable part of the development equation. It has intrinsic value that extends far beyond the economy, empowering each person to determine their destiny. That's why this Chair is an opportunity to expand knowledge in areas considered fundamental, to increase the levels of education and knowledge necessary for human development.
Its mission consists of: (1) teaching and developing research in different areas defined according to the interests of each country; (2) applying knowledge to the development of research in economically relevant areas; (3) training at the postgraduate level (Advanced Courses) to prepare staff capable of teaching, develop research of excellence in the defined areas of intervention and contributing to increasing the competitiveness of government, private and industrial institutions in Lusophone countries.
Its specific objectives are:
- Combine the experience of each partner in different scientific fields to pursue teaching and research in priority areas in a competitive manner at national and international levels.
- To collaborate with research institutes of excellence for postgraduate training to develop skills and strengthen internationalization in EDUWELL's teaching and research areas;
- Increase dialogue between citizens and industry to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and increased competitiveness;
- Open up a dialogue with the different sectors of society on education and research, their needs and constraints, particularly in cases where the economy and the environment are at stake, using modern information technologies, open days at EDUWELL's different partner institutions, and thematic dissemination programs.
The knowledge generated in the different Lusophone countries and the transfer of technology to laboratories and companies will promote continued collaboration and the use of technology as a generator of employment and the economy.
It is aimed at senior executives and leaders of state and civil society structures in Lusophone countries.
Course-goers will expand their capacities to integrate/build developed, inclusive, peaceful, and resilient societies.
Maria Salomé Pais
(Executive Secretary of the Chair)
Globalização e Desafios do Desenvolvimento (inscrições de 3 de junho a 19 de julho 2024)
O curso de formação avançada “Globalização e Desafios do Desenvolvimento” insere-se na oferta formativa da cátedra da UNESCO “Educação e Ciência para o Desenvolvimento e Bem-Estar Humano” (EDUWELL), resultante de uma parceria de várias instituições de ensino superior de países lusófonos e da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. Este curso de cariz interdisciplinar procura desenvolver a aprendizagem em língua portuguesa, formando pessoas capazes de decidir sobre políticas públicas, de ensinar e produzir investigação em diferentes territórios lusófonos.
O curso é composto por duas unidades curriculares, as quais integram sessões temáticas e seminários, orientados para compreender e ensaiar estratégias e políticas públicas promotoras do desenvolvimento sustentável da Humanidade.
Aspetos metodológicos da Globalização e abordagem histórica | Abordagens teóricas sobre a Globalização Económica | Economia Política Internacional e Globalização | Grandes Tendências do Comércio Global | Comércio internacional e Crescimento económico | IDE, Cadeias Globais de Valor e Globalização | As metodologias e os indicadores de medição da Globalização | Papel dos blocos regionais num mundo globalizado | Comércio, Investimento e Desenvolvimento Sustentável | Responsabilidades ambientais no contexto mundial | Globalização e Direitos Humanos | Globalização, Identidade e Alteridade | Globalização financeira: evolução histórica e perspetivas futuras
Science for humanity's coexistence with our heavily threatened blue planet (concluded)
Subjects: Natural resource management and sustainability | Biodiversity, conservation and sustainable use | Approaches to the environmental crisis and public policies | Round table seminars
Gender Policy: Equality and Non-Discrimination (concluded)
Subjects: Introduction to Gender Policy: Equality and Non-Discrimination |State, Governance, Public Policy and Decision Theory |Public Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals |Education, Poverty Reduction and Sustainability Strategies |Ethics, Social Responsibility and Economics |Leadership and Good Governance |Equality and Non-Discrimination |Gender Equality in Health, Labour and Education |The Gender Dimension in Migration |Investment, Green Budgeting and Gender Budgeting |Development Cooperation |Conflict Resolution, Restorative Justice and Peace
Social Sciences and Humanities (concluded)
Subjects: International Justice | State, Governance, Public Policy, and Decision-Making | Globalisation and Governance | Science and Human Development | Electoral Processes, Citizenship and Political Culture | Cosmopolitanism and Multiculturalism | Religions and the Single World | Evolution of Human Rights and Duties | Memory and International Order | Global Trends in a Polycentric World | European Union as a Global Actor | Gender, Youth, Migration and Human Rights.
Strategy and Security (concluded)
Subjects: International Justice |World Security |State, Governance, Public Policy and Decision-Making |Public Security Policy |Strategic Studies and Intelligence |Cyber Security |Leadership in Complex Environments |Military History |Strategic Communication and Conflict |Military Power |New Defence Technologies |Global State Strategy |Evolution of Strategic Thought.