
Academy of Sciences of Lisbon

Working days
09h00 – 13h00
14h00 – 18h00



Working days, except public holidays, from 14h00 to 17h00.

Informamos que entre os dias 12 e 16 de agosto o Museu estará encerrado. 

  • General public - 2.50€
  • Students and seniors (over 64) - 1.50€
  • Children (until 12 years old) - free entrance
Guided tours to the Academy

Guided tours of the entire institution can be requested at: geral@acad-ciencias.pt

Tickets cost 3.50€ per person. Please note that we do not have a terminal for ATM payments.

The visit lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. The group must have a minimum of 10 participants and a maximum of 25 participants.

Library and Historical Archive

Monday to Wednesday: 10h00 - 17h00. 

A sala de leitura vai estar em trabalhos de manutenção e conservação entre dia 1 de agosto até dia 6 de setembro, pelo que para aceder ao serviço presencial é necessário agendar a visita através do email: geral@acad-ciencias.pt

In person, requests for documents must be formalised by 4pm.

On Thursdays, it is open exclusively to Academics (during the same opening hours).

To access the Library's services, you'll need to book an appointment at geral@acad-ciencias.pt.